Study of growth, yield and quality of organically grown ginger varieties under rainfed condition of Manipur, 8(1), 17–21. Pengaruh Komposisi Media Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity, 7(3), 256–259. The plant characters and corm production of taro as catch crop under the young rubber stands. Uji Adaptasi Klon-Klon Harapan Jahe Pada Berbagai Kondisi Agroekologi. Uji Aadaptibilitas Klon-klon Harapan Jahe Pada Berbagai Kondisi Agroekologi. Statstk Tanaman Biofarmaka (Statstcs of Medical Plants) Indonesia 2015. Jakarta: Departemen Pertanian.īadan Pusat Statistik.

Prospek dan Arah Pengembangan Agribisnis Tanaman Obat (Edisi Kedu). īadan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Agroforestry of ginger plant under pine stand can be done to improve land productivity, especially in poor stand increment. The a verage yield of each variety of ginger is 5.54 tons/ha, 8.38 tons/ha and 6.7 ton /ha for small white ginger, large white ginger and red ginger, respectively. Varieties of ginger significant ly a ffect the percentage of growth, h e igh t growth and weight of rhizome, but do not significantly affect the moisture content, volatile oil, fiber, starch and ash. R esults showed that the light intensity does not significantly affect the percentage of growth, moisture content, volatile oil, fiber, starch and ash. 50-58% (age class I I), 68-77% (age class I) and 87-92% (poor increment), whereas the sub plot is the varieties of ginger i.e.: small white ginger (emprit), large white ginger (gajah) and red ginger. The main plot is the light intensity treatments, i.e. The design used was a split plot design consisting of 3 replicates with an area of 100 m 2 for each plot and with spacing of 50 x 50 cm. This study aim s to assess the effect of different varieties of ginger and different shading intensities of pine (Pinus merkusii ) on the productivity and quality of ginger. The high demand of medicinal plants with limited agricultural land availability can be solved by the utilization of land under forest canopy through applying agroforestry.