1.0 - Matthias Trautner Kromann et al.'s dependency annotation of some texts from PAROLE. Danish Propbank - commercial resource with 87,000 tokens annotated with morphosyntactic, VerbNet classes and semantic roles.Apparently not directly available for download. NOMCO - "an annotated multimodal collection of conversational Danish".For educational, teaching or research purposes only. SemDaX - POS-tagged (only adjectives, nouns and verbs), super sense tagged and BIO-tagged sentences.The usage examples have been used for word sense disambiguation, see XL-WSD: An Extra-Large and Cross-Lingual Evaluation Frameworkfor Word Sense Disambiguation Described in DanFEVER: claim verification dataset for Danish ( Scholia) DanFEVER - Danish text corpus with over 6'400 claims and support.DK-CLARIN Reference Corpus of General Danish Only for academic use.Not for commercial use as the license is Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. The license is Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International The Danish Parliament Corpus 2009 - 2017, v1.Described in Asynchronous Pipeline for Processing Huge Corpora on Medium to Low Resource Infrastructures ( Scholia) OSCAR - Danish corpus derived from the Common Crawl corpus.

Danish review dataset - Trustpilot-crawled dataset by Alessandro Gianfelici with 44,085 reviews.Described in The Danish Gigaword Corpus ( Scholia) Danish Gigaword - Collection of 10^12 words of Danish text.A curated list of awesome resources for Danish language technology Data Corpora